Do not request new ones, the comment will be deleted. 49 SCPs with revised designs, including functional items.50+ items including night vision goggles.SCP: Lockdown adds numerous entities and objects from the universe of the SCP foundation to the game: If one does not exist you can create one.Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.SCP LOCKDOWN MOD 1.12.2 - watch how to install This is a tutorial on how to get SCP: Lockdown mod 1.12. Link is giving you some information about the mod itself (like how to install it. If you wish to alter your server settings, such as the intercom cooldown, you can check out our guide on this here.The 'SCP: CB Nine Tailed Fox Mod' is a modification of the game. Now that you have plugins fully setup and configured on your server, you can finally start playing! Add whichever settings you would like to modify under the previously created category.As an example, we will be using Admin Toolbox. Refer to the GitHub of the plugin you are configuring.

Add a message beginning with # to create a category relevant to the plugin you are configuring, as shown below.config/SCP Secret Laboratory/config/ and click Edit next to config_gameplay.txt and scroll to the bottom of this file. Your configuration changes will now be successfully applied to your server. Add any settings you’d like to config_gameplay.txt under your ServerMod Configuration.As an example, adding seconds_until_force_restart: 600 will result in the round force restarting if it lasts 10 minutes. Refer to the ServerMod GitHub for possible configuration changes.Add a message beginning with # to indicate this is your ServerMod configuration category, as shown below. config/SCP Secret Laboratory/config/, click Edit next to config_gameplay.txt, and scroll to the bottom of this file. Log in to your control panel and Stop your server.If you’re not sure about any settings, create a GitHub issue. Note: Some documentation on the ServerMod GitHub pages may be outdated as it hasn’t been updated in a while at the time of writing.